“Members Only” “FREE” Snowmobile Give-a-Way Plus Many More Prizes!
Congratulations to Ken and Cindy Makinson!
They were the winners of the 2023 OSSA Snowmobile Give-A-Way.

Rules: No tickets will be sold. You must be a member to win.
You must renew your membership or join your local club before January 1st.
Note: “members” are defined as “family membership” and must be a member of their local club and OSSA.
2022/2023 Members and New Members will get:
- (1) chance to win for every “Associate Club membership” that they join. We encourage our members to join every club in every area that they ride in.
- (1) chance to win if they take a non-member friend snowmobiling. Member must supply name and email address of friend they took snowmobiling to TReilly@OregonSnow.org. (Limit of 1 chance to win will be given.)
- (1) chance to win for each new member they sign up (must provide name and email of new member to TReilly@OregonSnow.org). No limit
- (1) chance to win for registering for the OSSA convention before January 1st.
Snowmobile winner need not be present to win and will be announced at the annual OSSA Convention in LaGrande Oregon February 11th. You must be present to win all other prizes.
Platinum Sponsors:
Oregon State Snowmobile Association
Dan’s Motorsports
Gold Sponsors:
Mt Hood Polaris
SK Northwest
Tony Kuenzi
Dan & Bev Gill
Rogue Snowmobile Club
Dennis & Lori Jordan
Tucker Sno-Cat
Chiloquin Ridge Riders
Walker Rim Riders
Bronze Sponsors
NW Roof tech
Mt Jefferson Snowmobile Club
Sumpter Valley Snowmobilers
Ed Staub & Sons
Wagner Landscaping
Honor Sponsors:
Lisa Mahoney
Ray Benson Jr.
For more information contact:
TJ Reilly OSSA Vice President